The Secret 6 Fat Loss Foods For Women working out Boot Camp Style
Released on = December 8, 2005, 6:59 am
Press Release Author = Inland Empire Boot Camp
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = The secret Http:// fat burning foods that are shedding fat of more women across the Inland Empire faster then liposuction ever could at 5:30 in the morning. If you want to go to Nordstrom at the end of the month to purchase clothes that are 2-3 sizes smaller then you are wearing today, then you should eat these foods.
Press Release Body = 1. Oatmeal If I could only choose one source of complex, starchy carbohydrates for a fat loss program, this would be it! Oatmeal is the one carbohydrate food that virtually 100% of all personal trainers and fitness models eat on a daily basis.
2. Yams or Sweet Potatoes Rated the #1 Vegetable! In 1992, the Center for Science in the Public Interest compared the nutritional value of yams to all other vegetables. Considering fiber content, complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A and C, iron, and calcium, yams ranked highest in nutritional value. The Center for Science strongly recommends eating more yams because they are high in fiber, are rich in vital nutrients, are a complex carbohydrate, and are low in fat.
3. Brown Rice Of the many types of rice, slow-cooked brown rice or basmati rice are your number one choices. When you're on a very strict fat loss diet, stick with the slow-cooking brown rice for best results.
4. Green fibrous vegetables (broccoli, green beans, asparagus, lettuce, etc) Fibrous carbs are your number one choice for fat burning carbohydrates. Green vegetables, also known as fibrous carbs, hardly contain any calories (they have a low calorie density). It's virtually impossible to overeat green vegetables. Eat them liberally and eat more of them late in the day.
5. Chicken Breast (and Turkey Breast) Chicken and turkey are probably the number one most popular protein sources among personal trainers and individuals seeking fat loss. Remove the skin and get the light meat found in the breasts. Fast Food Chicken Nuggets or not what is talking about here!
6. Egg whites For your body to burn fat the fastest way possible eat a lean protein with every meal. With zero fat, egg whites are as lean as lean proteins get. Egg whites are right up there with chicken breasts as one of the top three lean proteins of choice for losing fat and maintaining or gaining muscle.
Combine these foods with the 3 simple rules below to burn fat off your body for your New Years Resolution and beyond
1. The correct exercise mix: cardiovascular exercise to burn calories during the session, and lean muscle-building strength training to increase the individual\'s metabolism.
2. The correct nutritional mix: traditional dieting causes the body\'s metabolism to slow dramatically to conserve fuel for energy. It\'s unhealthy and generally results in a \'bounce-back\' or \'yo-yo\' effect. Eating correctly means fueling the body throughout the day with a variety of healthy foods, it\'s a time-tested, scientific fact.
3. The correct information, motivation and emotional support: people need the right information, guidance and a little - or sometimes a lot - of external motivation and support to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals. as well as Personal Trainers across the country provide the information and motivation, and emotional support.\"
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